
Hisao is shamisen player, it is the tradition musical instruments of Japan.
Yuko is a performer of the japanese dance, and player of tanpura of musical instruments.
Two people add various performance methods to the tradition musical instrument, and are uniting various styles.
It is tradition and original styles.
And the novel style and the tradition melt each other,and evolve.
And the foreigner is very pleased with it, too.
The performance can make people pleased by a novel arrangement in addition to the culture of Japan.

Hisao is a player of the shamisen.
Hisao reserched the Tsugaru shamisen of the welfare style.and,it had worked with the teacher for 7years at nationwide, various places.
Afterwards,he become independent. And,the unit SOUBUGEN was made.
SOUBUGEN sends a new wind to the music scene that exceeds the genre by various styles.
And music was very popular in an original sound and the sound of the tradition.
Don Davis who works on the production of the music such as movie MATRIX also is spoken very highly.

The japanese dance NIHON BUYOU is researched from the age of child.
YUKO danced as specialist for 8years from 1987 at restaulant theater HYOUSETU-NO-MON, every day.
After that independent.Become SOUBUGEN with Hisao.
And Tanpura of musical instruments was researched from 1997.
From master of india music,name of DINESH.
India stringinstrument is roots of japanease stringinstrument.
It sound melt each other.

Many place of Sapporo, Japan.
NewZealand(winter festival in queenstown), U.K.(Oak hotel at wales),
Australia(woodford festival, emphetheater of quranda, smithfield elementary school),
Swiss(lausanne history museum, Japan-impact in lausanne technical university festival),
Spain(santander mars session, cultural japonesa in ibiza).

 (31/1/2013, update)


International music concert vol.2 アフリカ、オーストラリア、インド、 日本 民族楽器の融合

Soubugen Live with Nana

Dinesh Chandra Dyoundi with Soubugen